Win Your Dissertation Writing Battle

Finish It: Win Your Dissertation Writing Battle
Each and every student has once experienced troubles with academic writing, no matter what the scope of the assignment was: either it was an essay, research paper or a case study. Writing a dissertation, in its turn, is a time- and power-consuming process. However, you, being a PhD student obviously know it. We’re always ready to help you: our Tips and Prompts section consists of useful advice, that will facilitate the writing process. Nevertheless, rules are created to be broken. That’s why we’ve prepared a list of non-conventional tips to help you fight your way till the very hooding ceremony and be a winner.
Don’t Confront Distractions
If you’re lucky enough to block all the thoughts, that are not connected with the dissertation writing, once you’ve sat yourself in front of the laptop, skip this paragraph. In case you’re like us, people thinking of all the stuff of the world, except for actual writing, check out the idea. When your head starts buzzing with thoughts not about dissertation again, take a minute and a blank sheet of paper to write them down. You might have a “to do” list in the end, or just a couple of ideas. No matter, whether these ideas are relevant or absolutely useless, writing them down is sure to free some space in your head to think of your dissertation.
Throw the Grammar Away
…when you work on the first draft. You’ll spend a lot of time editing your dissertation afterwards. However, when the work is still at the initial stage, you may not spend too much time checking for every little inaccuracy in spelling or punctuation. It will be far more productive, if you concentrate on the contents, rather than on formatting flaws. Try free-writing – just write whatever comes to your mind, concerning your topic. You will not get yourself the whole dissertation like this, nonetheless, you might come up with interesting ideas that will open a new field for your research. Don’t get too blown away though!
Seize the Day
People love to make plans. People love to fail the plans. You may have assigned yourself to write 5 pages per day. You miss your 5 page standard once, and move it till tomorrow. Soon, you’re likely to end up with 50 pages to be done within 1 day. That’s why sometimes you just need to set goals for one day and do your best to overcome and outdo them. Short deadlines are far more digestible. Plus, you’ll free yourself from long days of being guilty for not hitting the distanced target. Push yourself a little further every day and you’ll get to great results.
Give Yourself Little Treats
If you don’t let yourself celebrate your success until the dissertation is completed, you’re very likely to feel empty and unhappy when the day comes. Instead, give yourself some praise, once you achieve some small-scale goals. Prepared an outline? Have yourself a cookie! Wrote 15 pages per day? Go to the movies! Finished the first draft of a chapter? Go out for a beer! Periods of work will and should definitely last longer the celebration. However, little prizes will give you positive reinforcement we all sometimes need.
Dissertation writing is surely demanding. To complete it you’ll need to pay loads of efforts and demonstrate your perseverance and determination. You’ll need to find these in yourself. Good luck to you! And if you have problems with writing, remember — is here to help, either with some advice or with professional writers, ready to team up with you.

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