Submit your project
Consult your instructor to clarify the number of pages you need (one single-spaced page contains 550 words, double-spaced page – 275 words).
Provide us with all the necessary details (academic level, formatting style, other requirements).
Make a payment, so that we can assign your paper to the writer, that will have necessary qualifications to complete it. Our service is prepaid, so the work will not be started until we get the confirmation of your payment.
We assign it to the right writer
Our staff is the most valuable asset for us. We employ only professional writers, with background in different fields of studies. That’s why you may be sure, that your paper will be assigned to the person, qualified to meet all of your needs.
Order in progress
In case problems, considering your paper occur, or you have any questions that need clarification, don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Support Representatives – they’ll be happy to help you resolve any issue, that may trouble you. And they are online 24/7!
We deliver your paper
Your paper quite often will be delivered before the specified deadline.
Feel free to ask our Customer Support Representatives for help, in case you are dissatisfied with the quality of the paper (which is very unlikely).
We guarantee, that your paper will be plagiarism-free: your being happy with our service matters a lot to us. That’s why we strive to meet the highest standards of academic writing.
We have taken appropriate security measures to protect you against loss, misuse or alteration of the information we have collected from you.
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