4 Steps for Personal Mission Statement Writing

Festive period is approaching. Alongside with picking presents and working on a Christmas menu you will probably sum up the 2015 and set the goals for 2016. “To do” lists and New Year resolutions are nice and familiar. However, we suggest you trying something, that might be new for you. What about writing a personal mission statement? It might come in handy not only for self-development but even for you applying for the position in the company or for participation in a scholarship. Personal mission statement template is aimed at defining the direction you want to follow and actions, you need to take to achieve the goal.
So, how to write a personal mission statement? There are many strategies and you are to choose the one that works for you perfectly. For instance, you might do some free-writing: just sit in front of your Christmas tree, take a notebook and write whatever comes in mind. This flow of ideas might help you crystallize something truly valuable. If you’re more inclined to strategic approach to creating a personal mission statement, we’ve got 4 steps, that will lead you to a perfect example of a personal mission statement.
Say, What Matters to You the Most
Personal mission statement examples are all based on personal core values. So, make a list of things that you want to spend your time and efforts on. Is it making money to buy new cool gadgets? Or, maybe, you’re more interested in realizing your creative potential? Perhaps you’re more inclined to identifying and perfecting your spiritual self? No one says, you have to limit the number of your values. Nevertheless, once the list is ready you’ll see, that some things may be crossed out, and others will go to the top. This little exercise will not only help you write sample personal mission statement, but also understand yourself a bit better.
Glory of the Past
It’s always nice to think of your success. Working on personal mission statement samples you may create a list of your biggest achievements during the last years. You could also rank them according to your personal satisfaction on completing them. This way you’ll see, where you’ve been the most efficient, and what makes you happy. The key to success is finding the point, where these two factors meet and concentrate your efforts on this area of activities.
Making the World a Better Place
What are the spheres of life, you dedicate your energy to? Most probably it will be your family, friends, studies or/and job and social life. What do you want to change for the better? How can you contribute to them? How much time are you ready to devote to these improvements? And, most importantly, what in particular do you need to do to achieve these goals? Having answered this questions, you’ll get a detailed plan that will highlight final results and the routes towards achieving them.
Ready, Steady, Go!
Once you’ve done everything, that has been mentioned before, move to actual personal mission statement writing. It has to be succinct, yet informative. Look for inspiration from the famous people mission statements, and, of course, in yourself.
Remember, Papersmaster.com is always here to help you with your academic papers. Working on your personal mission statement might be a lot of fun, though. Define your goals and follow them. Once you complete your personal mission statement, you’re likely to feel a boost of energy and motivation. Try it out!
Otherwise, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Get all the presents you want and cherish the moments you spend with those you love. Hurray!

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