9 Ways to Celebrate Your Next Birthday

When were you born? Is you birthday approaching? What was the most fun way of celebrating? If your previous birthday left you with a desire to change something the next year and do something really awesome, we’ve created a list of 9 pretty cool ways to celebrate.
The Adventure
Plan yourself a trip to the place you’ve never been. Choose a city or a country, you’ve always wanted to visit. It may be either something really fancy, or just a neighboring town. Just choose a new destination point, invite your close friends, and explore the area, try local specialties and have fun!
The Spontaneous Decision
Don’t plan anything in advance. Just wait for the day to come and do whatever comes in your mind. Order yourself 10 burgers, 20 Margaritas, don’t share and don’t explain anything. Or spend the day, making a giant cake and share it with all of your neighbors! Whatever pops up in your head is your plan. Follow it strictly! Or don’t!
The Laid-Back Approach
Tell your friends and family that you’re not going to spend effort planning your b-day and let them do it instead! Just make sure they like you enough to do something amazing for you!:)
The Sober Sally
First of all, if you don’t drink at all – we’re very happy for you! Enjoy your life and skip this and the following tip!
Well, this one is actually about breaking a social tradition and spend the whole birthday sober. Not a single jello shot. Not even one long island iced tea. Who knows, maybe you’ll like it!
The Drunken Sally
Yep, that’s the complete opposite of the previous one. Start drinking at midnight and don’t stop until the next day comes! Take a nap, if needed, but always have some alcohol in your blood! But please-please, eat something and stay alive!
The Flashback Party
Repeat the party you really enjoyed, when you were a kid. What was it? Did you go to the zoo? Did your parents invite a freaky clown for you? Did you have a special cake? Or maybe you went to the playground and had an awesome sand-box party? No matter what it was, invite your friends and family and come back to your childhood for a day!
The Hollywood-Style Party
Have your guests dress up like movie stars. Don’t let people without costumes come in. Get some champagne. Get a lot of champagne, in fact. Make a mix of the most famous and your favorite movie soundtracks. Go classy and stay wild!
The Birthday Fairy
How old are you? 22? Then buy 22 bottles of beer and hand them out to complete strangers! They’re going to appreciate the gesture and you’re very likely to make new friends! This scenario is applied not only to the age of 22, of course. The older you are – the more bottles you need! If you don’t like the beer theme, present people with candies, cupcakes – whatever you like! Making presents is just as nice as receiving them, if not nicer!
The Time Lapse Photo Experiment
Start taking photos of you and your friends at midnight. Use the disposable cameras and take pictures every hour. In the end, you’ll get 24 photos that will help you track the progress of your rocking birthday!
All in all, there are no limits, when it comes to your birthday party. Just do whatever you want to do. And if PapersMaster’s advice inspires you — we’ll be very happy!

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