How to Write a Hook for a Persuasive Essay


Persuasive writing is usually full of logical arguments and solidly grounded proofs. Your essay might have a strong outline: a comprehensive thesis, a well-structured main body and a profound conclusion. But does it really matter if your readers decide to skip your work, because it didn’t engage them from the very first line? Not really a good result after hours of hard work, right? If you’d prefer a different outcome, you’d better pay attention to the hook sentence, which will get your audience intrigued and enticed.

Good Hooks for Essays: What are the Details of the Technique?

Each and every persuasive essay outline has a section, where a hook sentence is supposed to be placed. However, before writing it you should clarify certain issues for yourself. First of all, you need to understand, who your audience is and whether it is captive or not. If the addressee of your writing is your teacher or college admission committee, they do their job by reading and assessing your essays, thus, they are very likely to keep reading till the very end, no matter what. However, keeping these people interested and satisfied by your writing makes you a successful guy with an “A++”. Moreover, if your persuasive essays are going to be read by your peers or other no-so-interested people, then you will have to work a bit harder in order to get their attention. Anyway, knowing how to start a persuasive essay is beneficial for you.

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Hooks for essays resemble advertising jingles. They usually have a goal of sinking into the audience’s brains and causing emotions. Just as jingles vary depending on the product, the types of hooks change, depending on type or topic of your essay. You may start with a humorous anecdote, reveal a fascinating statistics, provide an inspirational quote, ask a provocative question or set a scene for the following narration. The great strategy here is to pull emotional triggers: terrify, fascinate and amaze. Here you need to remember, that writing a persuasive essay has a goal of affecting your audience. So think of the people you write for, and let them have a great experience, reading your work. Your hook sentence should, of course, be relevant to the topic and interesting for you personally.

Writing a persuasive essay is a process, that can be divided into different stage. An interesting thing is that although a hook sentence is the first thing your audience sees, it might be a good idea to write it, when you’ve finished the main part of an essay. Seeing the whole picture might let you pick the most prominent dash that will catch your readers’ eyes.

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