How to Write a Persuasive Essay Outline

“How to write a persuasive essay?” – if you’re attempting to answer this question, you’re on the track to getting a proper piece of writing. The main purpose here is getting people believe in what you believe. The fun part is that you don’t have to provide solely scientific facts and well-researched hypotheses in order to prove your point of view. Appealing to emotional triggers and logical arguments is applicable, when it comes to persuasive writing. However, we are still talking about academic writing, that is why having your essay properly structured matters a lot.
Persuasive Essay: Disassembly Manual
When you take a look at persuasive essay examples, you’ll most definitely pay the most thorough attention to the ideas, the essay conveys, not the elements it consists of. This approach is quite understandable, but typical. Try looking at a persuasive essay format not as a reader, but as a writer, defining the blocks, that build the whole structure. This way you’ll be able to manipulate them, constructing your own essay.
First of all, you need to grab attention of your reader with a hook sentence. It has to be something, that makes your audience read your essay till the very end: shocking statistics, interesting fact, provoking question. Choose something that truly fascinates you, to ensure your readers’ interest. The attention getter is usually followed by a couple of sentences, that narrow the topic of your writing, providing a little deeper insights to what you’re talking about.
The next step is writing a thesis statement. It’s the essence of your essay, for the reason that here you express your stance on a certain issue. The main body of persuasive essays is based on this sentence, so make sure it’s logical, comprehensive and provable. Thesis statement usually provides the gist of subtopics, you want to cover in your essay, thus writing a thesis predefines the structure of the main body of your essay.
The body conventionally consists of three paragraphs, each having a separate micro-topic. These claims need to have supporting details (2 or 3 are usually enough). You might either provide only the arguments, that back your point of view, or dedicate the last paragraph of the main body to the opponent’s point of view. Here you also provide supporting details that aim at refuting your opponent’s stance. Remember – emotional hot buttons are allowed! But not too hot though.:)
Conclusion restates your main thesis, proving the significance of your research. Here you shouldn’t provide any new information, but focus on the main point, so that your reader remembers it for sure. is happy to help you not only with precious advice, but also with the writing itself! Our expert writers will create an essay, that will meet all of your requirements and be free of errors and plagiarism. Order your persuasive now and enjoy your life!

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