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Secrets of Research Papers on Communication

Good research papers on communication always consider this issue from different points. This topic involves such areas as ethics, sociology, anthropology, and fine arts. The course of communication study usually implies learning various types of communication: rhetoric, interpersonal, organizational, and so on. If you’re going to write a research paper, you have to focus on one particular area, taking into account that no one of them exists without others.

Structure is Your Key to Success

  1. Take your time and write a good introduction, highlighting interesting facts and most important problems related to your topic. The introduction must also motivate readers to read more and contain your thesis statement.
  2. You have to explain the theoretical basis of your research, since it’s the best way to support your point, at the same time developing it, and giving readers a chance to think about it. Thus, you have to include the literature overview in your work.
  3. All your claims, arguments, concepts, and methodological approaches form the main body.
  4. The last parts of the research paper are discussion and conclusion. Usually, these sections are divided into a couple paragraphs, but we suggest asking your professor to clarify all the details. You have to consider weak and strong sides of your research, and also tell your readers about the possible future of your research: how it can be used, and which perspectives it opens for new researches.

General Advice

  • Find an interesting topic. It may be provoking or sensitive; the main point is to grab your readers’ attention.
  • Study specific papers on interpersonal communication, philosophic and analytical works. Look at used structures and plan your own paper according to these methods.
  • You may provide a brief overview of your research, explaining all necessary terms to the audience. Thus, your readers will be prepared, and they won’t have any questions about the topic.
  • Of course, there is a lot of information on any subject on the internet, but you shouldn’t copy somebody else’s thoughts. You have to develop your own point; this will make your research unique. Along with this, you have to support your claims with other sources, and use quotes from well-known experts. It will make your point look more persuasive.
  • Read articles, books, and websites devoted to your topic. You have to know it well before you start writing.
  • This type of paper may be written in the first person. However, we suggest asking the professor about it, to make sure that you do everything right.
  • Always include a page of references.
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Common Mistakes

  • A brief compilation of various works, with least personal contribution.
  • Stylistic, grammar, and spelling mistakes.
  • Subjectivity (too intense use of superlatives)
  • Switching the subject
  • Colloquialisms
  • Skipping the conclusion
  • Unproved evidence and statistical information, suppositions

Topics for Research Papers on Communication

“Formation of the television discourse: communicative aspect”

“Sports commentary and communicative clarity”

“Euphemistic language”

“Communication as a reason for cultural and social changes”

“Cognitive-discursive aspect of destructive communication”

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