How to Write an Essay and Stay Alive

When it comes to writing an essay or some kind of a research paper no one is John McClane. Except for John McClane, on course. Every single person once experienced a minute (or an hour, or a week!) of consternation which probably can be compared only with a horror of facing a ticking mechanism with its green and red wires. ‘What should I write and – mostly – how can I ever do it?’ – the main thought that squeezes your brain at that moment. The first tip that we have for you is really dumb as well as useful: take a deep breath and write the following “Here starts my essay/research work”. It obviously won’t get your paper to start writing itself, but it will definitely turn a blank page to a non-blank one. It’s the beginning, a psychological trick, that has to calm you down a little. Then think of what you could be interested to write about or better – choose the topic which you are good at. What would you like to say to the world that it doesn’t know yet? What, in your opinion, do you know better than anyone? Think of it – how can it possibly be hard to talk about something that you love or are passionate at? See, that isn’t such a bomb.

Have a Plan and Don’t Die Hard

When you have your topic (at the start it doesn’t have to be clearly defined, all you have to choose is what you’re intending to write about) it gets easier. You will get even more relieved by making the outline. Identify the main subtopics of your subject and write them down. Don’t try to name the paragraphs exactly for good and all. At this stage you’re making this outline to clarify the structure for yourself, and in the final stage you will have the opportunity to fix it and make it perfect.

While writing an essay or a research work we are setting certain goals to achieve. There are plenty of them: from the intention to persuade someone in your personal opinion to letting your audience discover something that you did. The main line is you need to state the problem, in other words, to create a thesis statement. Here you pick from what side your essay will represent the topic. Put some reasonable thesis sentences and do not stretch it out too far – make it brief. The moment you have the thesis done, you are up to proceed to the body of your essay.

The body of the paper is the most wide and profound paragraph. Here you do several things. Firstly you put the main thought of an essay in a sentence form (make it as pretty as informative. Then you build a construction of the few points which are called to support the main idea and under each subparagraph there are meant to be some descriptions or explanations. If you want, you can put some mini-conclusion after each of them.

Conclusion for an essay restates the ideas, you’ve proven in the main body. You need to show how your initial claim evolved in the process of writing. You may also finish with a provoking question or an interesting quote, that will inspire the people to proceed the research of your topic.

Done that all? Take a breath, and proofread, revise and edit! All in all, Officer McClane didn’t eradicate all the terrorists from the first attempt! It took the guy 5 movies to wipe out almost all of the world’s evil! And you only have a little essay to write. So stop whining and do your job, kiddo!

And if you don’t feel like it – well, you’ve got yourself an elite squad to help! can send a perfect soldier (errr, writer, we mean) to your rescue! The only thing you have to do is upload your specification, grab a bucket of popcorn and wait for your great essay delivered on time!

How to Write a Synthesis Essay

Synthesis essay is a type of writing that you can encounter as a term project or other kind of examination. That is why it is important to realize what is a synthesis essay, how to write a synthesis essay and how to make it a creative piece of work, not just a summary of different sources. Writing a synthesis paper not only enriches your mental outlook, but also helps develop critical thinking and skills of gathering and analysis of information. Despite all the benefits, lots of people find writing synthesis essays frustrating. But now there’s no need to worry. We’re here for you.

How to Write a Good Synthesis Essay: Master’s Secrets

So, what is a synthesis paper? How is it different from other kind of written projects you have to perform throughout the time of your studies? Synthesis writing involves analysis and combination of material, that you have processed during the preparation phase to writing your essay. Nonetheless, as any piece of academic writing synthesis paper has to be free of plagiarism. The important thing about the concept of synthesis writing is that it is you who has to provide a new piece of academic writing, thus your task is to create connections between materials you’ve analyzed and the thesis, you have put forward.

Unless you have it assigned, the first issue you have to tackle is a choice of topic for your essay. A popular idea is to make your topic narrow, instead of making it too broad and general. Argumentative synthesis essay has to be considered with a subject that can be supported by clear evidence. In case your topic is too vast, you most probably will get overwhelmed with the amount of information you need to prove your claim. In order to stay on a safe side, make your thesis narrow and understandable.

Synthesis essay thesis is a product of your thought process. Your thesis has to be proven by the factual information, that you are supposed to find laying the groundwork for your synthesis essay. Writing a synthesis essay should be well structured. suggests dividing your essay into paragraphs, according to number of arguments you use to prove your point of view. This way not only you will make it clearer for readers but also you will be able to edit your work easier: solid structure helps you see drawbacks in the contents much more efficiently.

Last but not least thing you need to remember is citation of your original material. Despite you are the author of a synthesis essay, you use a lot of other sources in your work. Providing references is simply a matter of a good form. What is more, quoting all of the used sources you will prevent yourself from being punished for violating of intellectual rights. Listen to our advice and you will be safe, sound and successful.

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