The Surprising Virtue of Negativity

Positive thinking has already become a mantra-like technique. Its unquestionable power has been believed in by tons of people, sending a positive message to the space on an hourly basis. Although positive mental attitudes are definitely fun and relaxing, they can leave you being positive and not really thinking. The key to working out a perfectly efficient mindset is moderation (just like to almost anything in the world, right?). The fact is that what negative thinking does is keeping you close to reality, which is sometimes a really good thing.

Grouch Efficiently: How Negative Attitudes Can Help You Succeed

The reasons, why negative thinking has been demonized for a long time are understandable: when the fate challenges you with the obstacle, that is unbelievably difficult to overcome, you involve all the physical and mental resources to win the situation. What we are going to talk about, are the benefits of negative attitude when it comes to planning no matter what: the next trip or a huge business project. In fact, the only problem with negative thinking is its frantic application.

Visualizing yourself having achieved the goal is, of course, a pleasant experience. On the other side, it has been proven, that picturing being a winner actually relaxes your brain to the extent, where it doesn’t feel like any efforts to achieve the result are needed. So, positive thinking might actually deprive you of energy, necessary to fight for the positive outcome of your adventure.

When you think of the final result of your work, try concentrating not on the image of yourself, holding a cup and listening to applause, but think of the possibility of failure. Don’t fixate on the misery, that follows your loss, though. Think of the reasons, why you’ve come to this point. Once you’ve enumerated all the things that could go wrong, move to eliminating them! Looking at not-so-bright side of the street may actually help you win in the end.

Being positive all the time is definitely cool. It demonstrates your moral strength and ability to endure challenges of everyday life. However, if you get to this state by suppressing negative emotions – be careful, because one day they might simply implode, and you are going to be the victim.

Negative thinking might be good for you. The main thing is to avoid hiding from the aspects, that can ruin your success. Predict possible problems and do your best to solve them. Thus, you’ll experience all the benefits of having negative attitude.

Don’t fall into despair. When life gives you lemons – make a lemonade. When instructors assign you with writing – contact Keep calm and live your life!

How to Write a Persuasive Speech

Persuasive speech can make people vote, go to war, recycle or start eradicating representatives of a certain race. It is a powerful, though dangerous tool. However, if it is used for good, it can make world a better place. Persuasive writing is not an easy craft, however, the process may be decomposed into simple stages, following which you can make the way from staring onto blank page to convincing people in your point of view much shorter. is happy to provide you with advice you might need to achieve this goal.

Writing a Persuasive Speech Like a Pro: Helpful Tips

Persuasive speech ideas often originate not from a textbook, but from everyday life. You might be worried about marijuana legalization or meat consumption levels or anything else. Whatever this is, speak your mind, let people know what you believe in and try to make them take your stand. Persuasive speech writing, as suggested by TIME, means not just talking about an idea, but conveying a message. Think about a story you want to tell. It might seem a trite thing to say, nevertheless it never fails: speak from your heart. Let people know how you feel, allow them understand your stance on a certain issue. Your honesty will buy you either their support or just sincere opinion on what you are trying to say. When you write a persuasive speech, think of a person who inspires you. Try to understand what makes them a powerful figure and look for these features inside you.

Persuasive speeches are obviously written with an exact goal: conveying ideas to the public and have the public follow them. Famous persuasive speeches that you have probably heard have been a great power that turned history one way or another. Nevertheless, all the politicians and great leaders once started with the basic rules that could apply either to persuasive writing for third grade or to persuasive business writing. It is never a bad idea to apply a sandwich principle, where your arguments are surrounded by your primary thesis and a repetition of it in the end. Another great thing to do is duplicating your main point. Just as the chorus in your favorite song, your thesis gets catchier, as you repeat it a couple of times, supporting it with the arguments, that you prepared while drawing a persuasive speech outline. You might be delivering a speech or practise persuasive letter writing, whichever the case is, following a certain structure is bound to help you not to get lost in your thoughts and let people clearly realize what you are trying to tell.

Look at any persuasive speech example, and you will see, that the examples you like combine a clear structure and real passion to the subject of the speech. Use the two, and your audience will be happy and convinced.

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