Avoiding Plagiarism in Your Essay

What is the worst thing that could happen to your essay? Making tons of lexical and grammatical mistakes? Failing to convey the deep message of your writing? All of these are certainly bad. However, they won’t get you expelled from college. But plagiarizing might. That is why checking your essay for any signs of stealing someone else’s ideas is essential. We, at Papersmaster.com, provide our clients only with 100% original papers, that’s why we can give you some advice on what you should do to keep your paper free of plagiarism.

Start Early and Be Prepared

A proper essay outline will solve tons of problems. Eliminating plagiarism is certainly one of them. Each essay requires a good balance between your ideas and their foundation from other sources. Thus, when you’re preparing to write an essay make sure to create a certain scheme, that will show you where you’ve used references to other works, and what parts are totally yours. What is more, starting your preliminary reading, you should also note the ideas you’d like to include in your paper at the moment you encounter them. In the end, the outline will make writing and editing much easier.

Don’t Plagiarize, Steal or Appropriate

The idea is simple: paraphrase the information you want to use in your essay. It is clear, that you cannot build all your paper on quoted phrases. That is why you need to interpret the ideas, you want to include in your work. What you need to remember, though, is that paraphrasing author’s ideas you need to summarize and restate them, rather than simply rendering the same information. So be patient, attentive and use the right words.

Cite Them All

Citing your sources is crucial. All of your instructors have probably told you that thousand times already. However, tons of students tend to forget about it every day. That is why you need to check and double-check everything you write, detecting all of the not cited sources and correcting the situation immediately. Another important detail in this regard is clarifying citation style, required by your instructor:MLA, APA or Chicago style. This way you’ll prevent yourself from refashioning the whole paper when you think it’s completely finished.

Quotation Marks are Your Friends

Let’s say you need to write an essay, analyzing certain work of other author. The guideline here is clear: if you use author’s words, taken directly from the text, make sure to include them into quotation marks. What you need to keep in mind though is that this rule might not be followed, if you quote the words that don’t carry any crucial meaning. Nevertheless, to stay on the safe side, pay thorough attention to the phrase, you’re using in your text and if it’s not a preposition or a character’s name – quote it.

If you have questions about writing your essay – consult our Tips and Prompts section. Don’t plagiarize, work hard and enjoy the writing.

How to Write a Thesis for a Persuasive Essay

Thesis is a vital element of your persuasive essay. This sentence bears the main idea of your work and points out your stance on a certain issue. Good thesis statements simplify the process of writing, as far as they predetermine the structure of the main body of the essay. Basically, a properly written thesis statement is 99% of your success. Although thesis writing might be time-consuming, you will certainly benefit from every minute you spend, working out you perfect thesis statement. Our advice might make this process much easier, so if you want to know how to write a thesis like a pro – read on!

Fuel Your Persuasive Writing with a Perfect Thesis!

Thinking about how to write a persuasive essay, you quickly come to conclusion, that the main purpose here is to provide a clear point of view and prove your right to the audience. Persuasive essay outline is pretty clear: the evidence has to be concentrated in the main body of your essay, while stating your stance on an issue comes at the very beginning. Although the beginning of your essay performs other important functions, like grabbing readers’ attention and providing background information on the subject, your actual opinion is expressed in your thesis statement.

Analyzing examples of thesis statements, you will find that they all have common characteristics.

  1. Thesis is a voicing of your attitude to the problem. Thus, it has to be debatable. If your opponent cannot dispute your viewpoint, you most certainly merely summarize the issue and not express your beliefs. That turns persuasive essays into narrative ones, which totally changes the direction of your writing. If you aim at persuading people, it’s probably not a good thing to do.

  2. A strong thesis statement has to be specific. If it’s too vague, you seem to be just mumbling something, not telling the world what you actually think. Keep it clear, if you want to be taken seriously.

  3. Despite all of your supporting claims go to the main body of your essay, your thesis statement also should have backing evidence. Choose the most generic one (and preferably not “because I said so”:). The proof you provide in your thesis statement has to answer the question: “Why do you care about the topic so much to write the whole persuasive essay?”. If it does – congratulations, you’re awesome.

  4. To check whether your thesis statement is an efficient one, you need to run it through the “So what?” test. If having read your thesis you understand why the essay is worth reading and that your work is significant, then you’ve got it right.

Writing a persuasive essay is an interesting and challenging task. Performing it enhances not only your writing skills, but also you ability to formulate your thoughts concisely and efficiently. If you’re pressed for time or don’t feel like this task is your cup of tea – contact Papersmaster.com. Our masters of writing will take this burden off your shoulders, giving you the opportunity to relax or devote your time to other, more important stuff!

How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay

Argumentative essay is a type of writing that is rather frequently assigned to students in colleges and universities. It is an important skill, as far as knowing how to write an argumentative essay helps support your point of view in an efficient and well-structured way. Thus, when you face the need to write an argumentative essay, think of it as an investment to enhancing your abilities. If you feel desperate now, look through our tips: they are sure to shed some light onto this complicated, though interesting task.

Argumentative Writing: Tips and Tricks

Argumentative essays might seem overwhelming. However, they get far more clear once you realize that they all have a rigid structure, that needs to be filled with your ideas and arguments.

First of all, you need to pick a topic. Unless it is assigned by your professor, you are free to choose something, that genuinely interests you. This way not only you get a chance to practice your writing skills but also to investigate the issue, you find compelling.

So, how to start an argumentative essay? Your first goal is getting the reader interested in what you’ve written. So, start with a strong hook. The best options for a hook include a provocative question, shocking statistics or a fascinating fact. Avoid starting with a quote, though: this technique is too trite to impress the audience, unless you’ve found the one, which is 100% sure to grab attention form the first line.

The next thing is your argumentative thesis statement. It performs a number of functions: demonstrates the central issue of your essay, states the stance you’ve decided to take on the problem and predetermines your main arguments. Thesis statement has to be be logical, provable and concise.

Writing an argumentative essay means proving a certain point. Therefore, the main body of an argumentative research paper or an essay has to contain the arguments, that justify your thesis. Each claim should be supported by evidence in order to make it more profound and comprehensive. It might be also a good idea to provide 1 or 2 opposing arguments. With these ones your goal is not to support, but refute them, in order to highlight the significance of your claims.

When you ask yourself “how to conclude an essay”, think of original purpose of your writing. You had to demonstrate the problem, express your attitude towards it and prove it with the power of literature and logic. Conclusion of an argumentative essay needs to confirm the significance of your project and demonstrate the way you’ve gone from initial to the final point of your essay. Here you may restate your thesis. However, now it will be modified in light of all the arguments you’ve chosen.

Argumentative articles and essays have stable structure. If you follow it, the writing process will definitely get clear and understandable. In case you still feel that you need an expert writer to assist you or write your essay – contact Papersmaster.com. We’re happy to help you out 24/7!

How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper

“How to write an abstract?” or even “What is an abstract in a paper?”- these questions might occur to you, when you need to present a short version of your research paper at the conference or other kind of scientific assembly. In fact, abstract is a short version of your research. Thus, it should outline the most important points, highlight strengths and, if any, hide weaknesses. Abstract writing makes you look into your research with a sharp eye, meticulously analyze crucial constituents of your project and introduce them to your audience. Master the art of writing abstracts with us!

Research Abstract: Bring Out the Best of Your Research

Research paper abstract has to inform listeners about the work you have done. If you haven’t answered the question “how to write a research paper” yet, this article may help you clarify the issue as far as you have to point out key ingredients of your paper in the process of writing a scientific abstract.

So, what are the necessities when it comes to writing a research paper, and, therefore, to writing an abstract?

First of all, you need to tell, what is the purpose of a research paper. Why do you care about your subject? What gap are you trying to fill with your research? Generally speaking, you have to state a practical aim of your project. This way you will help people understand, whether they will be able to use results of your work in future, whether it is going to be relevant for their research.

After that you move to describing the problem you’ve tackled in your research essay or research paper. You can simply restate your thesis, however, it might be a good idea to provide a little bit of background information for people, unfamiliar with the field of your research. This way you will be able to engage wider audience into reading your research.

Next step is summarizing the methods of your research. Knowing how to write a paper means being able to choose the right approach to the analysis of your topic. As long as you have stated your methods in the research paper, including them into your paper is unlikely to be a problem.

Now we have come to an intersection. WikiHow suggests two major types of abstracts: descriptive and informative. Descriptive essay ends once you have completed two steps mentioned above. On the contrary, if your goal is informative abstract – there’s some more to do. Hold on, there’s not much left!

Next stage in writing your abstract is demonstrating the results of your research. What have you achieved? What have you created? What is the product of your work? These are the questions you need to be able to answer in this part of the abstract. That’s your time to brag – so tell people about your real achievements.

Well, now Papers Master has taught you how to write a scientific abstract. The last thing you need to remember: don’t just copy parts of your research to your abstract. Retell the information in your own words without missing the key points. Good luck!

How to Write a Narrative Essay

Narrative essay is a type of writing project where you can release your creativity. Nevertheless, before you start flooding paper with your thoughts, feelings and emotions, try answering the question “what is a narrative essay?”. In general terms, it can be defined as a short writing project where you need to share a story from you life, that, for some reason, is memorable and significant to you. The good thing about this type of writing is that you don’t need to do any specific research. However, that doesn’t make writing a narrative essay an easy task.

How to Become a Master of Narrative Essays

Good narrative essay captures attention from the first line. Although you might not have a clue about how to achieve this effect, once you start decomposing your essay, ingredients for success become much clearer. As Stephen King once said “The scariest moment is always just before you start.”

The first thing you should ask yourself is “How to begin a narrative essay?”. The answer is not too tricky. You have to think about an event, place or person that you’ve encountered throughout the course of your life, and try to establish a connection between it and a big, universal topic. This way you will not only achieve the purpose of an essay, which is to paint a picture for your readers, but also you will help them relate to the topic of your work.

Writing narratives is quite special. An important tip to remember about is that your story should not be too complicated. Narrative writing needs to have a lot of bright, vibrant details, whereas excessive twists of the plot can easily confuse your readers and make them lose the whole point of your writing. When it comes to writing a draft of your narrative composition, don’t hesitate to clearly mark the high points of your story: beginning, climax and ending. There’s no need to include a great variety of characters or locations. Your narrative can describe one hour in one place. It’s the way you write about it that makes an essay great, not the abundance of gripping twists. If you need to clarify the answer to the question “what is the purpose of an essay?”, imagine a close-up of something small but significant. That is the impression you should create with your writing. Make little shades and shadows matter.

Another helpful tip from PapersMaster is to try including antagonist in your essay. That way you can add conflict to your essay. It will certainly add drama to your work, which is always a good idea for narrative writing.

Finally, having finished your essay, put it away for couple of days. This way you will be able to see the drawbacks more clearly, when you start editing your work. However, don’t be too harsh to yourself: despite grammatical correctness is surely important, creative constituent is far more valuable, when it comes to narrative writing.

How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Speech

Good thesis statements define your general idea and inform your audience about your main points. Hence, writing a thesis statement is a key to getting attention of the listeners and engaging them in thinking about your topic. Knowing how to write a thesis statement for a speech is a vital skill, as far as it predetermines the outcome of your speech. Will your listeners be interested in what you are talking about? Are they going to remember it? Is it going to influence their ideas? Consider these questions when you will be writing a speech for your next occasion.

Writing a Good Thesis for a Speech: How Is It Different From Other Theses?

When writing a speech, you mostly think of argumentative thesis statement. It has a lot in common with thesis statement for a research paper or argumentative essay thesis: you need to put forward your idea and add details, which are to demonstrate where your research or analysis is going to move. However, if a thesis for research paper has to be well-grounded and profound, the goal of thesis for a speech is different: it has to grab attention of your audience and get them involved in your topic. Argumentative speech is supposed to deal with proving certain point, which you consider to be controversial. Thus, in order to get a working thesis statement, you have to demonstrate why your topic is interesting, what is the reason for you to talk about it. As opposed to thesis statement for argumentative essay, thesis for argumentative speech should not just outline ideas you are going to handle but also make listeners stop fiddling with their smart phones and pay attention to what you are talking about. Make it catchy so that the audience get engaged into your topic from the very beginning. Provoke thoughts and discussions. Give people an opportunity to relate to your topic by including issues that occur in their lives. That will insure contact between you and your audience.

As PapersMaster mentioned above, writing a thesis statement for your speech resembles creating a thesis statement for an essay. It might be a good idea to try using online essay writer in order to clarify a structure of a good thesis statement. Automatic essay writer might not provide a perfect thesis for your particular case, nevertheless you can see what are the key ingredients that should be included into it.

When you ask yourself a question: “ How do I write my thesis for a speech?”, try thinking about the greatest speeches you have ever heard. You might think of the famous “I have a dream” by Martin Luther King, or anything else you find powerful and inspiring. Try to understand what turns this words into a great force. Look into theses of these speeches and analyze why they appeal to so many hearts. All in all, use your heart and your brain, and the result will pleasantly surprise you.

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